Partners and Associates

 One of our main partners is DIAS Geophysical, they specialize in IP resistivity. DIAS is all about Safety, Innovation, Integrity, Resolve, Accountability. They uphold those principals by adding value by delivering useful knowledge through innovation and resolve. Dias Geophysical is a ground geophysical service provider that specializes in delivering 3D and 2D resistivity and induced polarization survey solutions worldwide. Dias has developed its proprietary DIAS32 survey technology to offer several unique advantages.

Safely ahead of the rest – With rigorous safety procedures and integrated safety systems such as our proprietary lightning shunt and current lockout technologies, Dias is leading the industry forward on survey safety.

Flexible and scalable – The DIAS32 system’s fully-distributed architecture facilitates maximum flexibility in survey design, and a unique voltage referencing approach that allows for full scalability.

Cable-free mesh networking – The DIAS32 mesh networking system facilitates real-time quality control, data capture, and system health monitoring, and provides a wide variety of operational and safety benefits.

In addition, the DIAS32 system delivers time series acquisition, GPS synchronization, and can be readily configured for multi-pole surveying.

One of our most important partners is Supracon in Germany, we have a strong partnership with them also we are the only company permitted to use their state-of-the-art Geophysics equipment. Supracon is a leading high-tech company in the sector of superconducting electronics and has specialized in the development, fabrication, and marketing of ultra-sensitive superconductive sensors, read-out electronics and measuring systems. Our primary products – both Low Temperature (LTc) – and High Temperature (HTc) SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) – are based on a unique microfabrication technology.  In recent years SQUID based measuring systems have been successfully introduced into geophysical exploration community. Both ground based EM receivers as well as airborne full tensor magnetic gradiometer systems have received increased levels of attention fostered by the findings of major ore deposits with SQUIDs. Ultimate sensitivity and highest dynamic range are amongst the most prominent advantages over conventional sensors. It translates into higher depths of exploration, shorter duration of measuring campaigns and completely new types of information. IPHT and Supracon jointly develop geophysical measuring systems for the application in natural resources exploration, archaeology and the evaluation of building ground.

The Gap Geo group is a progressive geophysical solutions provider situated in Australia, their fields of expertise are divided between:

Gap GeoPhysics- geophysical surveys, data acquisition and processing
Gap GeoPhysics is the exploration services division of the Gap Geo group. Their organisation offers a range of proprietary exploration techniques, with advanced instrumentation and high performance transmitters that enable greater depth of exploration and higher resolution surveys.
Gap GeoTek- providing technical and research services
Gap GeoTek is the technology support division for the Gap Geo group.
Imperative for any geophysical company is being able to differentiate itself through innovation. Gap GeoTek continually produces software solutions for the wide variety of data processing challenges that the exploration industry presents, as well as creating and supporting receiver systems, such as the TM-7– the latest generation of fast sampling magnetometer receivers.
Gap GeoPak- design and engineering of transmitters for geophysical applications
Gap GeoPak Pty Ltd was incorporated in 2007 with the aim to develop a new range of geophysical transmitters capable of meeting the higher performance and more stringent safety standards demanded by the Australian mining and exploration industry.
Gap EOD- a joint venture with Bridgewater Geophysics specialising in Explosive Ordnance Detection
Gap Explosive Ordnance Detection Pty Ltd (Gap EOD) is an industry-leading company dedicated to detection of explosive ordnance and other near-surface targets that require high accuracy and high-fidelity results.
Gap GeoSafe- creating an adaptive and ever improving culture of safety conscious work processes
Gap GeoSafe is the health and safety management system for the Gap Geo group. Gap GeoPhysics is a member of the Ground Geophysical Survey Safety Association (GGSSA) and the International Airborne Geophysics Safety Association (IAGSA).